Don't Let Lockdown Disrupt Walks, Parks, and Fun!

Don't Let Lockdown Disrupt Walks, Parks, and Fun!

It’s understandable why you may have slowed down a bit this year. But keeping your dog moving is important now more than ever.

After all, don’t want your furry friend to get sluggish going after that squirrel, do you? Or to turn the overnight dog bed into a dog daybed? At the end of the day, there should be more than the sound of kibble hitting the bowl that makes your pup run.

We know how important it is for pet parents to be active – and the same is true for our four-legged fur besties.

Once you’re both ready to get your tails moving, there are easy ways to put one paw in front of the other.

We’ve got three easy ways to keep your wagging wonder from becoming a poky little puppy.

dog running dog walking lockdown dog exercise blog how to walk more with dog

Just walk
It sounds obvious. Of course, you have to “walk” your dogs. (And don’t forget to pick up after them.) But we’re not just talking about THAT kind of walk.

Go out and enjoy the day. Take an extra five minutes after the “necessary business.” Then go for ten minutes. Start with short but frequent walks on the weekend and then build up to longer strolls or jogs.

Avoid walks during the hottest (or coldest) weather when possible. And, of course, be sure to have plenty of water available for both of you.

And remember, when you’re with your dog, it’s not ALL about you – nature will probably call, so let everything come out OK to keep that digestive system working as it should.

Soon, your pooch will become your favourite exercise partner, reminding you to get in those steps.

Remember Play Time?
Fun and games aren’t just for kids. Dogs are born to play.

Toys aren’t just for fun – they’re for health, too. Good old-fashioned fetch and frisbee are amusing for your dog (and for you), but they can also keep up keen paw-eye coordination and cardiovascular health. These active games also strengthen the bond between you and your pooch.

Are you feeling super creative? Try building an obstacle course with everyday household items like boxes, stools, broom handles, and buckets. Dogs love to figure things out, and keeping them agile is great for their mobility.

Think of it as Trick-or-Treat for canines. (Except without the tricks. That’s mean.) Instead, hide some delicious rewards around the garden. You can even offer up a delicious incentive that will keep allergies away and keep up their gut health. They’ll work out their brain and legs looking for the hidden treasure – and you’ll know that you’re doing everything you can to keep them frolicking.

We hope to see you and your dog out and about soon. Let us know what new activity you and your furry friend have been up to! We love to hear from you on social media and see photos of your adventures. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Pinterest. Be sure to use #DogsLife!

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